Non-Verbals YouTube Videos – Michael Grinder & Associates

Non-Verbals YouTube Videos

Below is a list of the videos which pertain to non-verbals. The videos are in order starting with the most recent upload.

  • House of Communication (2017)
    • This clip represents an overview of the body of work that Michael, in collaboration with Mary Yenik, has developed over the past 40 years. It is the most comprehensive framework of his pioneering of non-verbal communication.
  • ABOVE (Pause) Whisper (2016)
    • Michael Grinder demonstrates the power of using the technique, ABOVE (pause) Whisper. This is the favorite group dynamic maneuver to get attention when training and presenting. It is also useful when starting a meeting.
  • Karen Douhard- Decontamination & Assigning Attributes (2015)
    • When negative things are said while looking and gesturing to an audience – negative attributions are assigned. Karen demonstrates how to keep the audience safe and preserve a positive relationship with them.Karen Drouhard
      K-12 Educator, Mentor, Professional Development
  • Breathing by Michael Grinder- Supported by Sarah Payton (2015)
    • Michael Grinder’s concept of the chemicals of breathing (specifically “Inhalation” and “Exhalation”) finally has support from Stephan Porges’ Polyvagal Theory.
  • Overtrained in Eye Contact (2016)
    • The western world is overtrained in eye contact. This three minute clip explains the effect of eye contact, when to use it, and an alternative to eye contact. The language you will walk away with is that eye contact is referred to as 2-point communication. The alternative is called 3-point communication.
  • Inhale & Exhale Chemicals (2010)
    • Chemicals are different during inhalation and exhalation. You will discover this difference by duplicating what Michael Grinder demonstrates. During inhalation, the body releases chemicals of flight or fight. During exhalation, the body releases chemicals of calmness.
  • Advanced Teaching of Talking During Person’s Exhale (2013)
    • Of the four categories of non-verbal communication, breathing is the most powerful and cross-culturally accurate. When someone inhales they release fight or flight chemicals. When the person exhales, chemicals of calmness is released. By talking during the person’s exhale and gradually talking longer and longer, the person’s metabolism calms.
  • New Book, The Elusive Obvious (2009)
    • The book reveals the 21 non-verbals that are found at the heart of all communication models, no mater how different they appear on the surface.
  • Non-verbal communication and Autism (2011)
    • Students under the autism spectrum are increasing in the US. Teachers that are educated on non-verbal techniques have a safer and more productive learning environment. This is a short interview with a mom and expert on autism. The longer version is available at
  • High Expectations (2009)
    • How we position our forearms when not talking communicates volumes about our expectations of ourselves and others. There are three recommended positions.
  • Gesture Errors (2009)
    • Most of us communicate OK when we are speaking — it is during the pause that our skill level is revealed. How we talk reflects our culture, and surprisingly, during our pause we show our intelligence cross-culturally.
  • Breathing (2009)
    • “Breathing” is the most important of all four categories of non-verbal communication. How we look, sound, and move are reflections of how we breathe. Breathing patterns are the most sophisticated of all non-verbal patterns; they warrant our patience as we learn them.
  • Masseuse and Breathing (2010)
    • Michael Grinder’s demonstration of breathing techniques.

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