Miss Communication – Digital Video – Michael Grinder & Associates

Miss Communication – Digital Video


Have you ever heard someone call a female supervisor “cold,” just because she reacted like a man? This 23-minute digital video pulls the curtain back, highlighting how gender differences in nonverbal communication significantly affect workplace decisions and outcomes.

Video available for streaming immediately after purchase.

Imagine workplace communication without gender biases. Nonverbal cues between men and women in the workplace often cause Miss Communication between coworkers. The result? Productivity slows, and morale drops.  In this 23-minute video, available for immediately streaming, you’ll learn:

  • What is needed to be charismatic (both process oriented and content oriented.)
  • How gender and roles affect communication.
  • Ways that listening styles greatly impact workplace culture.
  • How disclosing listening styles increases communication clarity.
  • What’s going on when a female boss seems direct or cold — and when a male boss seems wimpy or “feminine.”

“I liked [what Michael said about] the gender styles — so true. This is especially so when Michael references ‘Sisterhood Abandonment’– women not supporting women, especially as we move higher up the leadership ranks.” – Paula Dunn of No Limits Consulting

“Michael shows how gender misunderstandings happen (very quickly!), and he gives you specific strategies so the people at work and at home won’t misunderstand you. Invaluable information.” – Mary Yenik, teacher, business owner, and non-profit executive

“Michael continues to provide communication structures that facilitate meaning by increasing awareness of how messages are delivered.  Communication is what is received, not necessarily what we think we send.  Adding skill in sending content with the right process enhances understanding and reduces Miss Understanding. Collaboration requires content AND process.  Marshall McLuhan said, ‘the medium is the message.’  Grinder provides actionable strategies for being an effective medium leading to meaningful messages.” – Bill Sommers, PhD


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