Group Wizardry
Group dynamics, leadership, and presentation skills training
Request Michael for a Group Wizardry training now!
Power up your charisma. Manage groups like a pro.
Imagine how it would feel to comfortably manage group dynamics, transform your presentation skills, and become a confident, charismatic leader?
Now, you can learn from Michael Grinder, the father of nonverbal communication, in an interactive, intimate environment. Whether you speak to large or small groups, within your workplace or the public, Michael can show you how to read the room, anticipate situations before they happen — and make a bigger impact with your presentations.
Plus, you can easily learn and practice these skills in just a few days!
This program is eligible for three semester graduate credits from Brandman University
“Does your nonverbal communication help or hinder your verbal message?
Increase your congruency. Increase your permission. Increase your results.”
The content focus of this course includes the three major areas listed below:
Who Should Attend?
- Teachers
- Presenters
- Trainers
- Facilitators
- Consultants
- Managers
- Supervisors
- Group and team leaders.
What does the training include?
You’ll walk away with vital skills to help you run meetings more smoothly, train colleagues with more impact, present more powerfully, and facilitate more effectively. For instance, you’ll learn:
- How to predict situations before they happen and reduce surprises,
- How to determine If a group is formed or unformed,
- How to sit, stand, and gesture so your nonverbals are consistent with your message.
- The difference between storytelling and story-sharing, and how to choose which to use.
- The difference between in-house and public speaking styles,
- How to successfully have difficult conversations.
The training includes four days of interactive work. On day five, you’ll have the opportunity to practice individual presentations before small peer groups. Michael will provide non-judgmental feedback. You will receive a digital video of your group’s presentations and Michael’s feedback.
Group Wizardry is open to all levels, novice or pro. Accelerate your presentation skills to the next level — sign up today.
I would highly recommend your workshops

I attended your 5-day Group Wizardry workshop recently and wanted to let you know what a wonderful learning experience it was for me. It’s not often that a person is both an expert and a master trainer in a subject. You are one of those rare exceptions. I came away from the workshop with a greater sense of confidence based on all of the wonderful skills I learned in non-verbal communication.
I would highly recommend your workshops to anyone no matter what their profession as the skills you teach are universally applicable.
– Tom Tiernan, VisualsSpeak LLC, Hillsboro, OR, USA
Recommend his trainings warmly

I had the honor to organize Michael Grinder three times. His type of intercession is embossed from his vision to use the possibilities of nonverbal communication. The balance of sternness and humor, from conviction and playful trying out, of charisma and admitting his own humanity turns him into a teacher, from whom I have liked to learn.
And the profit of the application speaks in behalf of itself. Alleged small things lead to big changes in group-dynamics and in interactions. Using his ideas and observations make things much easier, so I as a trainer and coach can recommend his trainings warmly.”
– Nikolai Hotzan, German sponsor
Rigor and commitment to excellence

Life is amazing. Our DNA is made up of only 4 basic building blocks that together work with 20 proteins create the uniqueness of life. Michael Grinder has with his work with non-verbal communication, learning styles and group dynamics contributed as richly to understanding the art and science of communication as Watsom and Crick did to the discovery of the code structure of DNA. His decoding of the pentimento dynamics of non-verbal communication and group dynamics is ground breaking.
My first study with Michael began in 1993 and I have taken many courses since. If anyone ever asks me where to go to study the REAL foundation of group dynamics I never hesitate to firmly state ‘Michael Grinder is the ONLY one in the world to study group dynamics with.’
Be mindful is my only warning. The rigor and commitment to excellence you will experience in Michael Grinder’s work is second to none and the program will either take you to your own mastery or you will retreat back into mediocrity. Michael Grinder is like a true Zen master when it comes to presentation skills, group dynamics and creating environments where your students or those you are leading will be transformed by your skill as a communicator and group leader.
Learning this work is something you can never forget and it will infuse every ounce of your communication excellence. It has mine. The discovery of DNA has enabled us to unravel some of the deepest mysteries of life. Working with Michael you will learn and understand the deepest mysteries of communication and groups. I promise!”
– Robert Knowlton, Business Coach and Seminar Leader
Excellent opportunity

An excellent opportunity to master the skills needed to work effectively with all kinds of groups.”
– Eleme Marsden, Director Corazon Training
Learn highly practical approaches

I have attended numerous training and development programs during my 23 year career, and Michael Grinder’s Group Mastery program is without doubt the one which has had the biggest positive impact. Michael’s exceptional teaching enabled me to learn highly practical approaches to understand and influence how groups (from a group of just 2 people through to auditoriums of 200 or 300) interact and are effective and ineffective. My presentations improved enormously through use of the non-verbal techniques covered on the course. The weekly worksheets and video exercises were invaluable in ensuring that the learning was embedded. This was a life-changing program – thank you Michael and team!”
– Nigel Bretton, UK Bank CFO
Many thanks again for the fabulous course

I thought Gail and yourself would be pleased to hear of my recent success in the Toastmasters International UK & Ireland Speech Evaluation contest (see www.thelondonspeaker.com). In this contest, the contestants hear a 7 min speech, and then have 5 mins to prepare their 2-3 min evaluation highlighting what they liked about the speech, any areas of weakness the speaker has and how they might improve.
I found the material from the Group Dynamics course really helpful in boosting my evaluation skills, and also enhancing my delivery – my credibility & authority was noted! Hope you’re both really well & many thanks again for the fabulous course.
Love & best wishes.
– Hilary Briggs, Won first place in Division B in a recent Toastmaster event
I truly learned a lot

Dear Michael,
In short, the amount of positive feedback I have received in months past from individuals in professional and private contexts on how ‘clear’ my communication with them has been is staggering. This has been the case in 1-to-1 communication, as well as when giving presentations to groups of varying sizes.
I truly learned a lot in the Group Dynamics course, particularly from observing and listening to you, but also from the practical, pedagogical approach applied and the ongoing exercises with other participants. I am very grateful for this privilege. In many ways this training has been an eye-opener and, applied with principles of NLP, really makes for powerful and influential communication that I am enjoying tremendously.
Being somewhat of a skeptic, I recall well my erstwhile doubts when you made clear during the 1st module that mastering this art would take years. I only now am beginning to understand this better and have come to see it as a life-long personal improvement objective. Frankly, I wish I had gotten this training much earlier in my career and realize how much John Bailey has been unaware of in years past and how much more aware he can become going forward.
What I found particularly valuable was the vocabulary and methodologies that you taught us to recognize and label group dynamic and, specifically, non-verbal processes and thereby making these more transparent, easier to identify and communicate and, thus, more meaningful.
Looking forward tremendously to taking this learning journey to the next level.
Best regards and speak soon.”
– John Bailey
Fresh ideas and perspectives

A lot of fresh ideas and perspectives. Michael demonstrates what he was teaching regularly throughout, especially through the handling of a difficult person. The way the homework and certification process reinforced learning was excellent. The film viewing was very valuable.”
– Patricia McBride, Management Training Consultant
A gifted presenter

How amazingly powerful to attend a workshop one day and put the knowledge into action immediately when returning to work. Michael Grinder shared the importance of group dynamics, going visual, and how to deal with both cats and dogs alike. Michael presents information in a pragmatic, engaging matter. A gifted presenter.”
– Grant Axtell, President of Cascadia Chapter ASTD
You’ve given me such confidence

I just wanted to let you know how amazingly useful I’ve found the Group Mastery training. I’ve spent most of the last year managing a really complex cultural and organisational change programme.
The skills I learnt from you have been sooo useful and a real contributor to the successes I’ve had over the year. It’s been so easy to spot my champions, manage the trouble makers, work out who the cats and dogs are. When I give presentations, I can predict the effect when I use your tools and techniques.
I’ve managed to get all my key stakeholders on board and I would never have even attempted this job if I hadn’t had the benefit of your amazing training, Michael. You’ve given me such confidence and you’ve taught me to BREATHE!
Thank you so much. You’ve had a transformational effect on me.”
– Maria Higgs, Surrey County Council in Kingston-upon-Thames, UK
On the cutting edge

I am a graduate of Michael Grinder’s Group Dynamics Certificate Program. I completed the course two years ago and have used the skills extensively in my position, Director of Academic Affairs, Idaho Campus of the University of Phoenix. I work with over 600 students and 100 practitioner faculty. I teach graduate and undergraduate adult students and train master level and doctorate level faculty. I have used the word “skills” above because that is what one gains from Michael’s program. His experiential teaching methodology and technical support through video recall, monthly assignments via the internet which he reviews and provides personal feedback on, repetition of core concepts, and sequential learning; provide a multi modality learning opportunity that truly has the capability of transforming attendees into skilled practitioners. I have successfully applied the skills I came away with on a daily basis, not only in teaching and training, but in supervisory and peer level interactions.
What Michael has to offer is not available anywhere else. It is truly unique and on the cutting edge in the domains of human performance and group interaction. I highly recommend his course for anyone looking to take their abilities to the next level.”
– Bill Bach, Ph.D.
Delivered in an inspiring way

The training Michael Grinder provides is world-class – delivered in an inspiring way. It has proved to be highly applicable for my own professional development and implementation in International Educational settings.
The program is delivered with the highest authenticity, integrity and respect for the individual and the group – regardless of background, nationality, gender or race. This is because of this I continue attending M. Grinder classes since 1995 in UK, France, Germany and the States. In my capacity as Executive Officer to the Executive Director of the Council of International Schools I have invited M. Grinder to run full day program with international educators – this proved to have been a top-nudge highly usable training for all involved.”
– Andrea Rohmert, Andrea Rohmert International Consulting
Masterful in his knowledge

If you have any interest in group dynamics and the power of non-verbal communication you have to experience Michael Grinder. As experts in High Stakes Conversations, Tracey and I were truly impressed with the additional layers that Michael exposed to us and taught us. It has had an immediate impact on our work. He absolutely ratifies our believe that excellent communication is a life-skill that you never stop learning. Michael is masterful in his knowledge and ability to impart it.”
– Hugh Gyton & Tracey Ward, Co-Authors of “The Art of Conversation”
Thank you, Michael!

I wanted to reach out to Michael Grinder to thank him for the Group Wizardry training this summer. As I returned to school and have been presenting in front of my staff and school community, the skills I learned have improved my presentation and confidence as a speaker. During my welcome back speech to my staff, I moved some of them to tears partly because of the topic of believing in yourself, but I also know it was due to the way in which I presented the content. The presentation had a powerful impact. In fact, one staff member commented today, that I have been on fire as a leader this year and have truly done an amazing job setting a positive and encouraging tone for the school year. Thank you, Michael!”
– Janelle Johnson, Lincoln Academy

Michael Grinder’s work is transformational. From my first experience, it changed how I looked at meetings, professional development, keynotes, and life’s relationships. For me, it changed everything in my life. ”
– Kendall Zoller, President of Sierra Training Associates
Sets a whole new standard

Describing Michael is somewhat like being asked to describe Picasso. You first look and think, “Hm, this is interesting.” Then you realize that you can’t describe it, but it’s something very distinctive going on. You constantly are drawn in and infected with something like a beautiful piece of art that calls you and says, “Come here and pay attention.”
I was first a student of Michael’s in 1984. I followed, studied, worked with him over the years and would regard him as the preeminent expert on paralinguistics – non-verbal communication. His warmth and availability defies what I would call, as a behavioral scientist, the sophistication of the unique applied science that he practices and experiments in. It’s difficult to describe without using almost Picasso language – or a little like describing a really good wine. The words don’t come freely.
He is a great character and has the extraordinary capacity to, over the years, continue to raise the bar. Each time I’m in his presence, I look and think, “Hm, I’ve got more to do here.” He stimulates my thinking and he sets a standard of being present, attentive, alert – with individuals and groups – that sets a whole new standard of managing a group of people. And it goes way beyond managing to a sense of liberating in both business and my world of science and personal [development]. And he blends it with such dignity and such humanness that I consider – the only way I can describe it is unique. It is Picasso-ish in its nature.
He’s an extraordinary human being, who I feel almost out of position to be acknowledging and describing to somebody else. Truly one of the few geniuses that I’ve had the good fortune of coming across and working with.
– Allan Parker, Managing Director of Peak Performance Development Pty Ltd
An unparalleled experience

Michael Grinder is a captivating speaker and presenter. Whilst conducting workshops at Dar Al-Hekma University, the journey he took us on, was unforgettable and one of a kind. It was an unparalleled experience for our students, who thrived on all the activities he conducted with them. The students continually echoed how inspired they were by his ideas, how beneficial his presentations were, and how much they learnt.
Michael Grinder is one of the best Communication Skills trainers, Dar Al-Hekma University has had.
PDF – Dr. Suhair’s endorsement.
– Dr. Suhair H. Al-Qurashi, President of Dar Al-Hekma University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
does anybody can go to your courses?
I am not a mgr. just want to increase my level of communication.
can I go to both courses?
Hi Javier,
Yes, our courses are open to everyone. Sometimes there are prerequisites to courses, such as Perception Camp, but attending Group Wizardry satisfies it. You may go to both courses. I apologize for the delay in seeing your comment. Please email me directly with any other questions: amy@michaelgrinder.com
Thank you!
We would like to see you in Melbourne Australia, do you have any session times
Hi Fleur! Great question! Michael will be in Australia in September!