Established in 1981, Michael Grinder & Associates (MGA) provides training in nonverbal communication, group dynamics, influence skills and permission. Michael works with school districts, businesses, and individuals, and helps them through:
- public seminars,
- in-house training sessions,
- consulting
- online courses,
- books and online resources.
Why nonverbal communication training?
The ingredients of a “healthy group” need to be fostered.
In world class organizations, project teams are formed and utilized without the traditional luxury-time for bonding and trust to develop. It’s imperative that successful project managers be adroit at forming groups in an accelerated manner, respectfully manipulating the leaders, barometers and liaisons. Eventually, conflicts arise that need to be addressed with minimum time spent so that the process continues in a timely manner.
This is where MGA can help.
“Experience does not give you wisdom, it gives you habits.”
– Michael Grinder
MGA Mission Statements:
Nonverbal Communication in Business
The corporate world is entering a paradigm shift:
According to Michael, “We are inadvertently in Love with the Influence of Power. And we need to be in Love with the Power of Influence.”
Our mission is to provide the blueprint of how to shift — passive resistance is more powerful than active authority. To do this, we need to reverse the trend of over-training and under-implementing by providing support systems that guarantee increased competencies of communication.
Nonverbal Communication in Education
Implement Michael Grinder’s nonverbal communication work including his models of professional growth. Create a culture of influence via nonverbal communication where relationships between educator and students and among students are fostered.
Reduce time on management and as a result increase time for curriculum.
Increase educator’s repertoire of nonverbal strategies. Operate from influence as often as possible instead of power. Creating educational climates committed to on-going professional development that reverses the trend of over-training and under-implementing.