ENVoY Nonverbal
Communication Classroom

Nonverbal classroom management with proven results
ENVoY® (Educational Nonverbal Yardsticks) nonverbal classroom management is easy to learn and proven effective
Here are three real world results:
+57.2% Increase in Student Achievement

+1.5 Hours of Curriculum Time per Week

-84% Decrease in Student Dismissals
& Suspensions

Videos about ENVoY Nonverbal Classroom Management
See what teachers, educators and researchers have to say about ENVoY® and how it has advanced classroom management while preserving relationships.
More Schools In Central Minnesota are Implementing the ENVoY® Program in their Classroom [2]
“Classroom teachers actually gain an hour and half of instruction each week because of the behaviors in the classroom and how their students are able to self regulate what they do, so that the teacher can teach.”
~ Rynell Schock, NJPA Education Solution Leader
A thank you to MGA (2016) [3]
“… it has been amazing to see the transformation …”
~Katie Vanderport, Monroe Elementary, Grade 1 Teacher
“… [ENVoY® has] made a huge difference in my teaching.”
~Jenny Young, North View Middle School, Math Teacher
“Your book has changed my world.”
~Megan Crowley, Monroe Elementary, Grade 2 Teacher
“… the strategies in my classroom have been eye opening.”
~Alissa Voegele, Jefferson Elementary, Grade 5
Teacher Shares Experiences with ENVoY® & Coaching [4]
“… teachers who implement the Envoy gems gain more than an hour of curriculum time per week …”
“… ENVoY® focuses on improving student productivity and enhancing a positive classroom environment …”
“… ENVoY® non-verbal classroom management… it’s invaluable, it’s incredible.”
What is the ENVoY® program? [5]
Michael Grinder, the author of ENVoY®, talks about: the foundations of ENVoY®, non-verbal communication within the educational context and what the book covers.
“Management is the key to creating more time to do teaching but you’ve got to preserve relationships.”
~Michael Grinder, author of ENVoY®
ENVoY® (Classroom Management) Research & Results (2015) [6]
Anoka-Hennepin is the largest school district in Minnesota, this is a report on the dramatic effects of ENVoY®. The referrals to the office decrease, the test scores increase, and the well-being of the student, staff, and community is raised.
“… student achievement has increased 57.2% … in the years of envoy implementation.”
“… significant shift in student discipline incidences with an 84% decrease in student dismissals and suspensions …”

ENVoY® Coaches Report
The schools trained in ENVoY® are finding both direct and indirect results of the program:
- The students are more self-directed and responsible for their own learning.
- At the start of the third quarter, many teachers comment that they are 2 – 3 weeks ahead of the content pace of previous years.
- Teachers that have a better understanding of “At-Risk” learners spend less time disciplining, something Principals love.
- Teachers have a system that encourages and supports them to visit each other’s classrooms. This amount of professional sharing is a great morale boost.

Michael Grinder & Krista Grinder-Dettloff
Affectionately dubbed America’s Educators of Educators
Together, their work with many school districts and administrators has transformed the levels of teaching and learning. They show educators how to use influence rather than power to manage the classroom. This series is based on Michael’s best-selling books for educators. Widely used in the U.S., Europe, Australia, Asia and Latin America.
What the experts are saying about ENVoY®
ENVoY®: Your Personal Guide
to Nonverbal Classroom Management
Learn ENVoY® NOW! Start using in your class TOMORROW.
Resources cited:
- [Anoka-Hennepin Schools] Dr. Mary Wolverton – associate superintendent for elementary schools, Kari Rock – Eisenhower Elementary principal, Jen Mares – elementary ENVoY coach and Amy Reed – Rum River Elementary assistant principal. (January 26, 2015). MINUTES OF MEETING SCHOOL BOARD OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11 (Anoka-Hennepin School District) STATE OF MINNESOTA [Video File]. Retrieved from http://anoka-k12.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=304&meta_id=25261
- [Lakeland PBS] Rynell Schock – NJPA Education Solution Leader. (June 1, 2016). More Schools In Central Minnesota are Implementing the ENVoY Program in their Classroom [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/2A2cubMcE3o
- [Michael Grinder]. (May 16, 2016). A thank you to Michael Grinder (2016) [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/iGYq8pnaQ_Q
- [NJPA]. (August 25, 2015). Dan Savoie shares his experiences with the Education Solutions team [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/pvB_yH9bTOs
- [Michael Grinder]. (December 7, 2017). Foundations of ENVoY (REVISED) [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/F9QyncYUYVk
- [Michael Grinder]. (May 26, 2015). ENVoY (Classroom Management) Research (2015) [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/3pjfPSPunYY
- [Northeast College Prep]. (November 27, 2016). NECP Teachers Using ENVoY (mannequin challenge) 2016 [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/ujy9B6SciOs