ENVoY Coaches & Trainers
Why coaching or training?
The following dedicated professionals are ENVoY coaches and trainers certified by Michael Grinder & Associates. ENVoY® is a vehicle to shift educators from seeing themselves as bastions of Power to instruments of Influence. When used by cadres of instructors within a school, these programs bring out the professional strengths of all members involved. Our experience is that coaching greatly increases the incorporation of the skills learned in the training room.
“When teachers were given only a description of new instructional skills, only 10% used the skill in the classroom… However, when coaching was added to the staff development, approximately 95% of the teachers implemented the new skills in their classrooms.” – Jim Knight (Coaching Approaches and Perspectives, 2009). ENVoY’s Dr. Jenny Edwards’ research confirms Jim Knight’s findings.
In the map below, we have coaches and trainers throughout North America. Each coach or trainer offers a wide variety of resources to support ENVoY implementation. Contact the professional closest to you for details on what specific services they offer.
Our MGA certified ENVoY Coaches and Trainers are listed below with their contact information and area in which they work.