Perception Camp
Learn how to see, understand, and influence behavior.
Request Michael for a Perception Camp training now!
Understand human interaction on its deepest level.
Imagine developing your perception skills to such a high level you can instantly recognize behaviors — and the beliefs behind those behaviors.
Led by Michael Grinder, the father of nonverbal communication, Perception Camp is an advanced deep dive into perception and human behavior. Participants learn how to see the world and understand people like Michael does, using the same skills he uses to teach leaders worldwide.
Perception Camp is Michael’s blueprint of perception. It’s unlike any workshop you’ve ever attended before.
Prior approval is required, except for previous Group Wizardry and Perception Camp participants. Please contact us to learn more.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who coaches, trains, facilitates or leads large and small groups — and who need those groups to be functional in order to be highly productive?
- Teachers
- Presenters
- Trainers
- Facilitators
- Consultants
- Managers
- Supervisors
- Group and team leaders
Perception Camp Sneak Peek
What does the training include?
You’ll walk away with vital skills to help you perceive human behavior on a deeper level. For instance, you’ll learn:
- How to predict who is likely to dominate when two people are talking,
- How to profile people and make sure to accommodate their style,
- How to understand what will happen in a group setting — before it happens,
- How to increase or decrease a member’s status based on the groups’ needs.
- How to pinpoint leaders and bring them aboard.
What others are saying
I would highly recommend your workshops

I attended your 5-day Group Wizardry workshop recently and wanted to let you know what a wonderful learning experience it was for me. It’s not often that a person is both an expert and a master trainer in a subject. You are one of those rare exceptions. I came away from the workshop with a greater sense of confidence based on all of the wonderful skills I learned in non-verbal communication.
I would highly recommend your workshops to anyone no matter what their profession as the skills you teach are universally applicable.
– Tom Tiernan, VisualsSpeak LLC, Hillsboro, OR, USA
You’re seriously impressive

Hi Michael,
Hope you are well. I just wanted to share my story with you – it still astonishes and amuses me but I think its fantastic too and is obviously great feedback on the quality of your training, research and materials.
After the course, I decided to have a go at running a little ‘lunch and learn’ session about some of the non-verbal techniques. I offered it to some people I knew well; they came along, I got some feedback, refined it and offered it again. That was in April. Since then I have done two sessions a month – I do not advertise, nor send out details to my distribution lists – the sessions are filled purely by attendees going back and recommending them to their colleagues. Occasionally I have cancellations but always fill them with help from previous attendees. I have them booked up until September.
They have a life of their own, everyone loves them and the funniest thing – this isn’t part of my job, I just decided to do it off my own back but they have ended up being one of the best networking things ever – I have met loads of new people!
They are small (7 people) and very informal and friendly. Very interactive and we have discussions, share stories, and have a great experience. I have every level of person in the room right from the top – Group Vice President and have wonderful stories from people who have used it. My favourite was someone who got a pay rise from going 3rd point. I get everyone in the room to have a go and then get them to feed back to each other (rather than me doing it). It works so well – and attendees love that they meet new people at the same time. I always make sure I have a mix of cats and dogs – so that the cats learn that not everyone is like them and the dogs all look at me with such relief – its very sweet.
Always tell them about you and share some of your stories and scare them by telling them you have taught yourself to not blink for 40 mins. As soon as I do that, they immediately know you’re seriously impressive and buy-in to everything:-)
Its is only since doing them that I realised how essential all of the practice was on the course as I can now give very good demos. Also had the ultimate validation from someone at a workshop last week – I was explaining afterwards about non-verbals and he said “Ah, that makes sense. In the workshop I noticed that when you speak everyone listens and the room goes silent. Now I know why”
Anyway, wanted to say thank you and let you know there are some much better communicators in BP because of you! Just a few examples of feedback enclosed (though obviously only dogs write and say thank you afterwards – the cats just go off and do it!)
– Judith Parker, Change, Communications & Engagement Manager – Business Services Transformation Project, BP
A unique set of tools

In addition to being a uniquely effective communication coach, Michael Grinder is also one of the most caring and supportive people we know. An incredibly skilled facilitator, Michael captures the attention and participation of everyone in his audiences. He delivers a unique set of tools that every participant can easily utilize to be more effective in their personal and working lives. Michael models everything he teaches and his delivery is often humorous and always relevant.
Michael has trained our SuperCamp facilitators since our first exposure to his unique skills and he is the only outside trainer we have brought in consistently over the last decade. We witness again and again the positive effect he has on our staff as he immediately creates a connection and gains their respect.
Michael offers seemingly subtle but exceedingly powerful facilitation and communication skills and insight into the undeniable impact of non-verbal communication. When participants leave his sessions, they are motivated, inspired, and excited!
We greatly value Michael’s friendship and appreciate his contribution to the growth of Quantum Learning Network.”
– Bobbi DePorter & Joe Chapon, President & VP
Recommend his trainings warmly

I had the honor to organize Michael Grinder three times. His type of intercession is embossed from his vision to use the possibilities of nonverbal communication. The balance of sternness and humor, from conviction and playful trying out, of charisma and admitting his own humanity turns him into a teacher, from whom I have liked to learn.
And the profit of the application speaks in behalf of itself. Alleged small things lead to big changes in group-dynamics and in interactions. Using his ideas and observations make things much easier, so I as a trainer and coach can recommend his trainings warmly.”
– Nikolai Hotzan, German sponsor
Rigor and commitment to excellence

Life is amazing. Our DNA is made up of only 4 basic building blocks that together work with 20 proteins create the uniqueness of life. Michael Grinder has with his work with non-verbal communication, learning styles and group dynamics contributed as richly to understanding the art and science of communication as Watsom and Crick did to the discovery of the code structure of DNA. His decoding of the pentimento dynamics of non-verbal communication and group dynamics is ground breaking.
My first study with Michael began in 1993 and I have taken many courses since. If anyone ever asks me where to go to study the REAL foundation of group dynamics I never hesitate to firmly state ‘Michael Grinder is the ONLY one in the world to study group dynamics with.’
Be mindful is my only warning. The rigor and commitment to excellence you will experience in Michael Grinder’s work is second to none and the program will either take you to your own mastery or you will retreat back into mediocrity. Michael Grinder is like a true Zen master when it comes to presentation skills, group dynamics and creating environments where your students or those you are leading will be transformed by your skill as a communicator and group leader.
Learning this work is something you can never forget and it will infuse every ounce of your communication excellence. It has mine. The discovery of DNA has enabled us to unravel some of the deepest mysteries of life. Working with Michael you will learn and understand the deepest mysteries of communication and groups. I promise!”
– Robert Knowlton, Business Coach and Seminar Leader
Excellent opportunity

An excellent opportunity to master the skills needed to work effectively with all kinds of groups.”
– Eleme Marsden, Director Corazon Training
This is great stuff

My eyes have been opened to the whole new world I never knew existed – this is great stuff taught in such an inspiring way.”
– Justine Thomas, Internal and Franchise Communication Management, The Body Shop International PLC
Learn highly practical approaches

I have attended numerous training and development programs during my 23 year career, and Michael Grinder’s Group Mastery program is without doubt the one which has had the biggest positive impact. Michael’s exceptional teaching enabled me to learn highly practical approaches to understand and influence how groups (from a group of just 2 people through to auditoriums of 200 or 300) interact and are effective and ineffective. My presentations improved enormously through use of the non-verbal techniques covered on the course. The weekly worksheets and video exercises were invaluable in ensuring that the learning was embedded. This was a life-changing program – thank you Michael and team!”
– Nigel Bretton, UK Bank CFO
Many thanks again for the fabulous course

I thought Gail and yourself would be pleased to hear of my recent success in the Toastmasters International UK & Ireland Speech Evaluation contest (see www.thelondonspeaker.com). In this contest, the contestants hear a 7 min speech, and then have 5 mins to prepare their 2-3 min evaluation highlighting what they liked about the speech, any areas of weakness the speaker has and how they might improve.
I found the material from the Group Dynamics course really helpful in boosting my evaluation skills, and also enhancing my delivery – my credibility & authority was noted! Hope you’re both really well & many thanks again for the fabulous course.
Love & best wishes.
– Hilary Briggs, Won first place in Division B in a recent Toastmaster event
I truly learned a lot

Dear Michael,
In short, the amount of positive feedback I have received in months past from individuals in professional and private contexts on how ‘clear’ my communication with them has been is staggering. This has been the case in 1-to-1 communication, as well as when giving presentations to groups of varying sizes.
I truly learned a lot in the Group Dynamics course, particularly from observing and listening to you, but also from the practical, pedagogical approach applied and the ongoing exercises with other participants. I am very grateful for this privilege. In many ways this training has been an eye-opener and, applied with principles of NLP, really makes for powerful and influential communication that I am enjoying tremendously.
Being somewhat of a skeptic, I recall well my erstwhile doubts when you made clear during the 1st module that mastering this art would take years. I only now am beginning to understand this better and have come to see it as a life-long personal improvement objective. Frankly, I wish I had gotten this training much earlier in my career and realize how much John Bailey has been unaware of in years past and how much more aware he can become going forward.
What I found particularly valuable was the vocabulary and methodologies that you taught us to recognize and label group dynamic and, specifically, non-verbal processes and thereby making these more transparent, easier to identify and communicate and, thus, more meaningful.
Looking forward tremendously to taking this learning journey to the next level.
Best regards and speak soon.”
– John Bailey
I highly recommend you experience Michael Grinder

Michael has had a significant impact across Barclays working with many of our talented people – from the most senior business leadership teams through to mid managers to our entry level pools of graduate talent. We work with leading global experts to drive business and personal performance across talent and leadership and there is no consultant out there that comes close to delivering what Michael does. He is unique. I highly recommend you experience Michael Grinder in your business.”
– Kathryn Wainwright, Director of Talent Management & Executive Resourcing
Fresh ideas and perspectives

A lot of fresh ideas and perspectives. Michael demonstrates what he was teaching regularly throughout, especially through the handling of a difficult person. The way the homework and certification process reinforced learning was excellent. The film viewing was very valuable.”
– Patricia McBride, Management Training Consultant
Michael lives what he teaches

The skills Michael taught me in the science and art of communication improved my professional and private life. I use “presentation skills” in my lectures. Students often commend my presentation style as being varied, eventful and instructive. I wished I had been already taught those keys skills for life success at school.
Michael Grinder – simply the best and most effective communication trainer I’ve ever learned from! Michael lives what he teaches. He is the friend and teacher of his students. He`s totally involved in improving his students communication skills?
– Dr. Erich Wuhr
A gifted presenter

How amazingly powerful to attend a workshop one day and put the knowledge into action immediately when returning to work. Michael Grinder shared the importance of group dynamics, going visual, and how to deal with both cats and dogs alike. Michael presents information in a pragmatic, engaging matter. A gifted presenter.”
– Grant Axtell, President of Cascadia Chapter ASTD
Rated excellent by 98% of the participants

Michael Grinder´s presentation: ‘Communication, Presence and Charisma’ at the V NLP Latin American Congress in Brazil, last year, was rated excellent by 98% of the participants. People were impressed with his outstanding ability on non-verbal communication.”
– Jairo Mancilha M.D. Ph.D., Director of INAp – Applied NLP Institute (Rio de Janeiro – BRAZIL)
The best training they have attended

Michael’s training was a journey to the heart of communication. It peeled back the layers of communication to reveal the subtle patterns that enable you to influence and lead. So many of my team described this as the best training they have attended.”
– Robert Smith, Head of HR Consultancy, Human Resources, Office of Communication, UK Government
We will forever be indebted

I am the President of a management consulting firm based in California. We provide leadership and systems consulting to organizations in the United States, Australia, South Africa and Indonesia. Our primary focus is to assist in building organizations that are resilient, flexible and sustainable while achieving their desired short term outcomes. The models and skills learned through Michael’s work are deeply embedded in all of what we do with our clients. We will forever be indebted to Michael for his wonderful and extremely practical contributions to our work and to the whole field of organization development.”
– Steve Zuieback, President, Synectics: Creative Management Strategies
Best investment you will ever make

I have studied with Michael for 15 years and am convinced that MICHAEL IS the reason my speaking career has been successful as it is. He is the master at non-verbal communication. Those who have studied with Michael have seen their careers transformed. It is the best investment you will ever make.”
– Amanda Gore, Keynote Speaker of the Year 2009 and NSA Hall of Fame
A real eye opener

It was a real eye opener attending the five-day Michael Grinder course. Wow what a revelation into the mechanics of non-verbal communication and body language. I can honestly say that I learnt more from the days with Michael that I have over the past 2 years of attending a number of workshops and communication sessions across the country. Thank you Michael for allowing us all to learn and discover the art of the science.
Thanks again for everything Michael, I have been telling everyone about meeting you and have been saying that it was the first time I’ve met a genius.
Bless ya mate!
– Sam Cawthorn, Tasmanian 2009 YOUNG AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR
The quality of what Michael delivers

A colleague at work asked me how the course was and I told him. All other courses I have been to earlier turn out to be pale when you compare it to the quality of what Michael delivers. It is like comparing a toolbox from K-mart with a toolbox from NASA…”
– Hans-Peter Eriksson, Affärsområdeschef – Marknad & kommunikation, Sandviken Energi
He is a world-class presenter

Working with Michael was an absolute pleasure. He is easy to deal with and goes above and beyond to deliver on all he promises and so much more. He exceeded our expectations on so many levels.
Michael’s tagline; the average presenter informs, the good presenter persuades and the great presenter inspires…Is what he truly lives by. He took some average presenters and made them great and some good and great presenters and made them outstanding. I have never been in a program where so many people had such profound shifts and such enormous learning.
Michael’s greatest ability is to change peoples’ behaviors in hours. He is a true master at non-verbal communication and group dynamics. He has changed the way I think and look at communication. He is a world-class presenter, facilitator and coach with an endless well of knowledge and wisdom to impart…a true master of his craft.”
– Kirsty Spraggon, Sponsor for 25 Australian Professional Speakers, 2010
The most useful and impactful

“This is the most useful and impactful training I have been exposed to.”
– Jeremy Bach, Editor, Anchor Point Journal
The world’s leading expert

I have engaged Michael Grinder as a trainer for Swedish teachers and businessmen and women since 1986. Michael has run workshops and courses for hundreds of Swedes in his highly practical, personal, inspirational and competent manner. I believe Michael Grinder to be the world’s leading expert on non-verbal communication and leadership. Aside from his world class presentation skills, what makes Michael unique is his detailed knowledge of the specific details of communication that lead to success. He helps his groups train these specific skills in a way that makes his workshops and teachings immediately useful.”
– John Steinberg, PhD, Sweden, author of 40 books in the behavior sciences
Delivered in an inspiring way

The training Michael Grinder provides is world-class – delivered in an inspiring way. It has proved to be highly applicable for my own professional development and implementation in International Educational settings.
The program is delivered with the highest authenticity, integrity and respect for the individual and the group – regardless of background, nationality, gender or race. This is because of this I continue attending M. Grinder classes since 1995 in UK, France, Germany and the States. In my capacity as Executive Officer to the Executive Director of the Council of International Schools I have invited M. Grinder to run full day program with international educators – this proved to have been a top-nudge highly usable training for all involved.”
– Andrea Rohmert, Andrea Rohmert International Consulting
Amazing insights

I had the pleasure to do some more work with Michael Grinder at a recent one day workshop in Brisbane. As a professional speaker, the content was spot on for me and my business and enabled me to fine tune some specific aspects of my presentations. Michael’s work is practical, easily applied and powerful, in fact his work is universal to anyone presenting to an audience, conference speakers like me and or teachers and trainers. Thanks again for such amazing insights into communicating effectively to my audience Michael.”
– Lindsay Adams, CSP CEO, Teamocracy
Masterful in his knowledge

If you have any interest in group dynamics and the power of non-verbal communication you have to experience Michael Grinder. As experts in High Stakes Conversations, Tracey and I were truly impressed with the additional layers that Michael exposed to us and taught us. It has had an immediate impact on our work. He absolutely ratifies our believe that excellent communication is a life-skill that you never stop learning. Michael is masterful in his knowledge and ability to impart it.”
– Hugh Gyton & Tracey Ward, Co-Authors of “The Art of Conversation”

Michael Grinder’s work is transformational. From my first experience, it changed how I looked at meetings, professional development, keynotes, and life’s relationships. For me, it changed everything in my life. ”
– Kendall Zoller, President of Sierra Training Associates
Inspirational, relational and expert

I have had the privilege of learning from Michael for the past 8 years. Inspirational, relational and expert are key to who the man is, though his greatest assets are passion and belief in people. Michael is able to define the science and art of communication through practical strategies that work. As a leader my skills have gone from strength to strength, transforming not only me but the people and teams around me. In a nutshell, Michael’s skill sets require a depth of understanding and plenty of practice. The ongoing result is growth potential and purpose for people far beyond those he comes in contact with. Michael’s work has positively impacted on both schools and the Northern Territory Department of Education as a system.
– Leah Crockford, Principal Leanyer School, Australia
Without par in his understanding

Michael has been a true friend, colleague, guide and mentor to me. He is also without par in his understanding and teaching of the micro elements of human communication.”
– Tim Dalmau, CEO, Dalmau Consulting
So much learning willingly shared

I’ve been speaking professionally for 18 years now and never miss an opportunity to work with Michael. My first experience was a five day full on immersion program and I came out of that as a changed presenter. Since then I take the opportunity whenever possible to reconnect and recharge to make sure I keep my presentation skills sharp. Michael has the ability to share his message to the group and then personalize it just for you, so much learning willingly shared. If you get a chance to work with ‘this guy’, grab it!”
– Lindsay Adams CSP, The Relationships Guy – Past National President, Professional Speakers Australia; Past President, Global Speakers Federation
Impactful at all stages

I first heard of Michael’s work when my son’s teacher used ENVoY, recognizing his “cat-ness” and completely turned around his educational path. For my L&D professional development, I took Michael’s non-verbal course. His content, passion and expertise made an immediate impact on my success. I have since brought Michael to my company multiples times and to different audiences: employee resource groups, classes for individuals and a conference for our managers. With each group, Michael gains advocates who espouse his return. Michael’s work is life and culture changing.
– Suz Hahn, Manager | Learning & Development, Daimler Trucks North America, LLC
Michael is a true genius at his craft

As a highly paid international professional speaker, I seek the best in the world to learn and grow in my speaking abilities. I have found many coaches and mentors around the world, however nothing has compared to the mentor and coach I have found in Michael Grinder. For over ten years I have counted Michael to be my #1 coach and mentor and it’s through his guidance that I have built my craft as a keynote speaker – having spoken in 40 countries and shared the stage with the likes of Bill Clinton, Dalai Lama, Richard Branson and Michael Jordan. Michael is a true genius at his craft and I am honoured to call Michael my friend, mentor and someone I trust.
– Sam Cawthorn, International best selling author, keynote speaker and the CEO & founder of Speakers Institute and Speakers Tribe
Sets a whole new standard

Describing Michael is somewhat like being asked to describe Picasso. You first look and think, “Hm, this is interesting.” Then you realize that you can’t describe it, but it’s something very distinctive going on. You constantly are drawn in and infected with something like a beautiful piece of art that calls you and says, “Come here and pay attention.”
I was first a student of Michael’s in 1984. I followed, studied, worked with him over the years and would regard him as the preeminent expert on paralinguistics – non-verbal communication. His warmth and availability defies what I would call, as a behavioral scientist, the sophistication of the unique applied science that he practices and experiments in. It’s difficult to describe without using almost Picasso language – or a little like describing a really good wine. The words don’t come freely.
He is a great character and has the extraordinary capacity to, over the years, continue to raise the bar. Each time I’m in his presence, I look and think, “Hm, I’ve got more to do here.” He stimulates my thinking and he sets a standard of being present, attentive, alert – with individuals and groups – that sets a whole new standard of managing a group of people. And it goes way beyond managing to a sense of liberating in both business and my world of science and personal [development]. And he blends it with such dignity and such humanness that I consider – the only way I can describe it is unique. It is Picasso-ish in its nature.
He’s an extraordinary human being, who I feel almost out of position to be acknowledging and describing to somebody else. Truly one of the few geniuses that I’ve had the good fortune of coming across and working with.
– Allan Parker, Managing Director of Peak Performance Development Pty Ltd
An unparalleled experience

Michael Grinder is a captivating speaker and presenter. Whilst conducting workshops at Dar Al-Hekma University, the journey he took us on, was unforgettable and one of a kind. It was an unparalleled experience for our students, who thrived on all the activities he conducted with them. The students continually echoed how inspired they were by his ideas, how beneficial his presentations were, and how much they learnt.
Michael Grinder is one of the best Communication Skills trainers, Dar Al-Hekma University has had.
PDF – Dr. Suhair’s endorsement.
– Dr. Suhair H. Al-Qurashi, President of Dar Al-Hekma University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Michael has what so many in the world need and are hungry for.

WOW! Seriously Michael, an incredible program.

WOW! Seriously Michael, an incredible program. I totally loved Session 3 and the ‘Miss Communication’ video. As a female executive who has worked all her career in a male dominant sector, it once again brought to my attention how blessed I have been to work with incredible male leaders that have mentored and coached me throughout my career. They have taught me how to be able to maintain my ‘statistical default approachable style’ whilst being able to when necessary go into a ‘credible style’ without being perceived as a “B.”
– Elizabeth Torres-Russell, Chief Development Officer at Vision Christian Media