Mayday, mayday… we’re in trouble. Have you ever felt like the captain of a sinking ship, trying to figure out how things went wrong but realizing you don’t have time for that—you need to act fast?
Every group has its own culture and norms, what we call Group Dynamics. As a leader, whether you created the group or inherited it, you’re part of a key dynamic triangle: the leader, the individual, and the group. This applies in both classrooms and workplaces.
Consider this: Is your group functional, temporarily dysfunctional, or chronically dysfunctional?
–Functional groups require you to nurture and highlight each person’s strengths while encouraging growth and flexibility.
–Temporarily dysfunctional groups need a leader who can guide them back on track, knowing when to step in and when to let the group handle things on its own.
–Chronically dysfunctional groups demand a strong leader to take control and provide safety. But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, a sinking ship can’t be saved.
Leadership in group dynamics is tough, but understanding how to navigate each situation is key to staying afloat. Are you ready to lead?
Thank you for all that you do.
Be well, Krista
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