Michael’s House of Communication is a metaphor that describes his applied research of over forty years. For the serious nonverbal communication practitioner, this video is your GPS of where to learn the variety of skills mentioned in the original “House.”
Haven’t seen House of Communication? Check out the video + transcript.
Modified Transcript
Michael Grinder here. I want to talk about the programs and products that are connected with the third floor of the House of Communication.
On the north wall, the idea of trying to understand an individual, the program that does that is called See Me (not currently available.)
When we are on the east wall and we’re looking at two people, trying to figure out who’s likely to dominate, our program is called Charisma – The Art of Relationship, because it teaches about dogs and cats.
On the west wall, when we’re looking at group dynamics, we have two books. One is called Managing Groups: The Fast Track, which is 250 pages. Then the larger one is called Managing Groups: The Inside Track, which is 500 pages.
At this time, we do not have a program or a product that deals directly with the south wall system levels.
There are three products and programs that overlap different walls:
The north and east wall corner has a program called Group Performance Leadership Coaching.
Between the north wall and the west wall, we have programs called Presentation Skills.
Between the west wall and the south wall, we have a program called System Affects Groups.
Knowing the three programs and products of the three walls and the three corners of the third floor of the House of Communication will allow you to know where to go and what to select for your learning.