Extensive research has been done on the ENVoY program of Classroom Management both internally and externally. As applied research demonstrates, the systematic use of nonverbal messages is the single most important skill any professional utilizes. By employing the full range of the nonverbal skills taught in ENVoY, we can manage with influence rather than power in any setting.
If you have any questions about the ENVoY Research listed on this page, please contact us.
The Effect of ENVoY on Middle School Social Studies Classroom Behaviors (2022)
by Christine Karst, St. Catherine University
How to Say Nothing and Everything at the Same Time: A White Teacher, Students of Color, and the Trial and Error of Building Relationships of Opportunity with ENVoY (2019)
by Melissa Bougie, Hamline University
An Examination of Educational Non-Verbal Yardsticks Implementation (ENVoY) and the Impact on Teacher Efficacy (2018)
by Dr. Amy Joan Reed, Principal, Ramsey Elementary, Anoka-Hennepin Schools, Minnesota
Characteristics and Development of Effective Classroom Management (2017)
by Ann Melisa Hippen, Bethel University
The Impact of Implementing Nonverbal Behavior Management Strategies Into An Elementary Classroom (2016)
by Casondra Kelly Wada, Hamline University
VIDEO: ENVoY Classroom Management Research (2015)
Research found that referrals to the office decrease, test scores increase, and the well-being of the student, staff, and community is raised. Jacki Brickman is the mentor coach and trainer.
A Positive Approach to Reducing Negative Student Behavior (2014)
by Brittany Oslund, St. Catherine University
High Student Achievement Through Classroom Management
by Andrea Lacher and Mary Zich, St. Catherine University
ENVoY – Impact on Management (2008)
by Denise Cooney, Cedar Park Middle School
A Summary of Results From the TIMSS-R Video Study (2007)
by Dr. Kendall Von Zoller, 2007
Effectiveness of ENVoY 2006-2007: Analysis of Observed Change in Classroom Management in Elementary and Middle Schools
by W. Robert Houston, Executive Director of the Institute for Urban Education, College of Education, University of Houston
Can We Motivate Students Through Non-verbal Communication? (2016)
Master of Arts thesis extract by Dirk Lagerwaard (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)
The Use of Non-verbals with Disruptive Students
Master of Arts thesis extract by Helena Collado (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)