The ENVoY Seven Gems DVD is the video edition of Michael Grinder’s ENVoY Training.
What is the ENVoY book?
This is Michael’s best-selling book for teachers about classroom management techniques. Widely used in the U.S., Europe, Australia, Asia and Latin America. This book is a collection of 31 techniques that teachers use. By becoming aware of them, the teacher can use the techniques on the days when he or she most needs them. Chapter One is a summary of the seven best techniques of all 31. The 31 skills are presented in forms that the individual teacher can fill out on him- or herself, and these same forms are re-written as peer observation competency sheets. This allows for peer coaching, the single fastest way to increase professional growth. The book also includes 24 other essential skills, many of them refinements of the Seven Gems. The techniques are mostly non-verbal and, in spite of their importance, are rarely taught in teacher preparation programs.
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