MGA Testimonials
WOW! Seriously Michael, an incredible program.
WOW! Seriously Michael, an incredible program. I totally loved Session 3 and the ‘Miss Communication’ video. As a female executive who has worked all her career in a male dominant sector,… Read more “WOW! Seriously Michael, an incredible program.”
Michael has what so many in the world need and are hungry for.
Michael’s content is fascinating on so many levels, his teaching style is clear and easy to grasp, and there is a significant shortfall in the market of experts in nonverbal communication. Michael has… Read more “Michael has what so many in the world need and are hungry for.”
I can’t thank you enough
“If I could take a weekly class from you for the rest of my career, I would. I have learned so much in these 6 sessions, and I can’t thank… Read more “I can’t thank you enough”
An unparalleled experience
Michael Grinder is a captivating speaker and presenter. Whilst conducting workshops at Dar Al-Hekma University, the journey he took us on, was unforgettable and one of a kind. It was… Read more “An unparalleled experience”
Sets a whole new standard
Describing Michael is somewhat like being asked to describe Picasso. You first look and think, “Hm, this is interesting.” Then you realize that you can’t describe it, but it’s something… Read more “Sets a whole new standard”
Michael is a true genius at his craft
As a highly paid international professional speaker, I seek the best in the world to learn and grow in my speaking abilities. I have found many coaches and mentors around… Read more “Michael is a true genius at his craft”
Impactful at all stages
I first heard of Michael’s work when my son’s teacher used ENVoY, recognizing his “cat-ness” and completely turned around his educational path. For my L&D professional development, I took Michael’s… Read more “Impactful at all stages”
So much learning willingly shared
I’ve been speaking professionally for 18 years now and never miss an opportunity to work with Michael. My first experience was a five day full on immersion program and I… Read more “So much learning willingly shared”
Without par in his understanding
Michael has been a true friend, colleague, guide and mentor to me. He is also without par in his understanding and teaching of the micro elements of human communication.” –… Read more “Without par in his understanding”
Inspirational, relational and expert
I have had the privilege of learning from Michael for the past 8 years. Inspirational, relational and expert are key to who the man is, though his greatest assets are… Read more “Inspirational, relational and expert”
Michael Grinder’s work is transformational. From my first experience, it changed how I looked at meetings, professional development, keynotes, and life’s relationships. For me, it changed everything in my life.… Read more “Transformational”
Thank you, Michael!
I wanted to reach out to Michael Grinder to thank him for the Group Wizardry training this summer. As I returned to school and have been presenting in front of… Read more “Thank you, Michael!”
Masterful in his knowledge
If you have any interest in group dynamics and the power of non-verbal communication you have to experience Michael Grinder. As experts in High Stakes Conversations, Tracey and I were… Read more “Masterful in his knowledge”
Amazing insights
I had the pleasure to do some more work with Michael Grinder at a recent one day workshop in Brisbane. As a professional speaker, the content was spot on for… Read more “Amazing insights”
Delivered in an inspiring way
The training Michael Grinder provides is world-class – delivered in an inspiring way. It has proved to be highly applicable for my own professional development and implementation in International Educational… Read more “Delivered in an inspiring way”
On the cutting edge
I am a graduate of Michael Grinder’s Group Dynamics Certificate Program. I completed the course two years ago and have used the skills extensively in my position, Director of Academic… Read more “On the cutting edge”
The world’s leading expert
I have engaged Michael Grinder as a trainer for Swedish teachers and businessmen and women since 1986. Michael has run workshops and courses for hundreds of Swedes in his highly… Read more “The world’s leading expert”
You’ve given me such confidence
I just wanted to let you know how amazingly useful I’ve found the Group Mastery training. I’ve spent most of the last year managing a really complex cultural and organisational… Read more “You’ve given me such confidence”
He is a world-class presenter
Working with Michael was an absolute pleasure. He is easy to deal with and goes above and beyond to deliver on all he promises and so much more. He exceeded… Read more “He is a world-class presenter”
The quality of what Michael delivers
A colleague at work asked me how the course was and I told him. All other courses I have been to earlier turn out to be pale when you compare… Read more “The quality of what Michael delivers”
A real eye opener
It was a real eye opener attending the five-day Michael Grinder course. Wow what a revelation into the mechanics of non-verbal communication and body language. I can honestly say that… Read more “A real eye opener”
Best investment you will ever make
I have studied with Michael for 15 years and am convinced that MICHAEL IS the reason my speaking career has been successful as it is. He is the master at… Read more “Best investment you will ever make”
We will forever be indebted
I am the President of a management consulting firm based in California. We provide leadership and systems consulting to organizations in the United States, Australia, South Africa and Indonesia. Our… Read more “We will forever be indebted”
The best training they have attended
Michael’s training was a journey to the heart of communication. It peeled back the layers of communication to reveal the subtle patterns that enable you to influence and lead. So… Read more “The best training they have attended”
Rated excellent by 98% of the participants
Michael Grinder´s presentation: ‘Communication, Presence and Charisma’ at the V NLP Latin American Congress in Brazil, last year, was rated excellent by 98% of the participants. People were impressed with… Read more “Rated excellent by 98% of the participants”
A gifted presenter
How amazingly powerful to attend a workshop one day and put the knowledge into action immediately when returning to work. Michael Grinder shared the importance of group dynamics, going visual,… Read more “A gifted presenter”
Michael lives what he teaches
The skills Michael taught me in the science and art of communication improved my professional and private life. I use “presentation skills” in my lectures. Students often commend my presentation… Read more “Michael lives what he teaches”
Fresh ideas and perspectives
A lot of fresh ideas and perspectives. Michael demonstrates what he was teaching regularly throughout, especially through the handling of a difficult person. The way the homework and certification process… Read more “Fresh ideas and perspectives”
Intuition becomes a tool
I continue to be fascinated by the clarity and the genius of the teaching techniques and theories Michael Grinder presents in his seminars and books. Basic truths and knowledge, which… Read more “Intuition becomes a tool”
I highly recommend you experience Michael Grinder
Michael has had a significant impact across Barclays working with many of our talented people – from the most senior business leadership teams through to mid managers to our entry… Read more “I highly recommend you experience Michael Grinder”
I truly learned a lot
Dear Michael, In short, the amount of positive feedback I have received in months past from individuals in professional and private contexts on how ‘clear’ my communication with them has… Read more “I truly learned a lot”
Many thanks again for the fabulous course
I thought Gail and yourself would be pleased to hear of my recent success in the Toastmasters International UK & Ireland Speech Evaluation contest (see www.thelondonspeaker.com). In this contest, the… Read more “Many thanks again for the fabulous course”
Learn highly practical approaches
I have attended numerous training and development programs during my 23 year career, and Michael Grinder’s Group Mastery program is without doubt the one which has had the biggest positive… Read more “Learn highly practical approaches”
This is great stuff
My eyes have been opened to the whole new world I never knew existed – this is great stuff taught in such an inspiring way.” – Justine Thomas, Internal and… Read more “This is great stuff”
Rigor and commitment to excellence
Life is amazing. Our DNA is made up of only 4 basic building blocks that together work with 20 proteins create the uniqueness of life. Michael Grinder has with his… Read more “Rigor and commitment to excellence”
Spend less time on classroom management
As an administrator at Windsor Middle School since 1995, I have witnessed the genesis of ENVoY and its growth since that time. Since the initial training, teachers saw the inherent… Read more “Spend less time on classroom management”
Recommend his trainings warmly
I had the honor to organize Michael Grinder three times. His type of intercession is embossed from his vision to use the possibilities of nonverbal communication. The balance of sternness… Read more “Recommend his trainings warmly”
A unique set of tools
In addition to being a uniquely effective communication coach, Michael Grinder is also one of the most caring and supportive people we know. An incredibly skilled facilitator, Michael captures the… Read more “A unique set of tools”
You’re seriously impressive
Hi Michael, Hope you are well. I just wanted to share my story with you – it still astonishes and amuses me but I think its fantastic too and is… Read more “You’re seriously impressive”
I would highly recommend your workshops
I attended your 5-day Group Wizardry workshop recently and wanted to let you know what a wonderful learning experience it was for me. It’s not often that a person is… Read more “I would highly recommend your workshops”